
Experience Our Values

Global Coverage

Abner Insights provides multi-lingual and international market research services in more than 30 languages across 50 countries.

Competitive Prices

A global marketing research team & international research resources enable us to provide priceless market research data for reasonable & competitive prices.

AI-Based Technology

Abner Insights market research agency provides intelligent market data & consumer insights with the most advanced cloud-based customized technology.

Strategic Consulting

Abner Insights doesn’t stop at the data. Our market research experts & consultants provide valuable recommendations on how to best use the insights to grow your business.

Our Services

Discover actionable insights and expert analysis in our comprehensive market research reports.

CSAT Insights

Contactless customer experience measurement in real-time

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CSAT Insights

To understand how satisfied your customers are, you need to understand the key drivers behind their experiences. The best way of discovering not only how your customers feel, but what has caused them to feel the way they do is by creating customer satisfaction surveys.

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Market Insights

Premise research & customised retail store census solutions

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Market Insights

With the customised retail store census solutions, Abner Insights field auditors equipped with area maps and questionnaires, scan street by street collecting important information like store name, address, telephone number, outlet type, major product categories traded, supporting images etc.

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Consumer Demographic Survey

Explore your walk-in customers and window shoppers

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Consumer Demographic Survey

Figure out, who you should be targeting in your marketing efforts and outreach strategies through Abner customizable demographic survey – fast, reliable and accurate.

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Consumer Insights

Growth strategy based on consumer-centric data

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Consumer Insights

We define consumer insights as data-driven collection of trends in consumer behavior and feedback that helps businesses deeply understand their customers and their purchasing decisions.

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Customer Journey Mapping

Outlining the potential customer journeys your audience might go through

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Customer Journey Mapping

Customer journey mapping is by far the most effective tool to enhance your customer experience. Understanding the customer journey in depth helps you identify and take action on customer pain points and repeat what’s working.

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Mystery Shopper Audit

Valuable insights into company operations, and areas for improvement

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Mystery Shopper Audit

The primary objective of using Mystery Shopping is to identify the blind spots at retail environment, evaluate the experience as a customer, and provide a consolidated report generated by different Mystery Shoppers at different times. Mystery shopping benefits both companies as well as customers.

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Brand Insights

Insights to optimize brand management

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Brand Insights

Marketers and branding professionals have an ongoing need to understand how customers perceive their brand, products and services; what their attitudes and feelings towards them are, and how they are positioned in the context of a continually changing modern culture.

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Product Evaluation Testing

Validate your product with your target market pre-launch

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Product Evaluation Testing

A product evaluation survey can arm product teams with insights and data that can drive better decision-making throughout the lifecycle of the product. Ideally, you can begin getting customer feedback on your initial concept, then continue with a feedback survey on everything from the product name, to the packaging, and pricing.

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Our Vision

Experience the prowess of dynamic survey execution


At Abner we are led by a powerful purpose to demystify market variables, analyze trends, and draw valuable insights by collecting real-time data. Owning good data serves as indisputable evidence or justification for a decision. If data is equivalent to knowledge, then market research is the book.

Our teams are building tech to meet the needs of the future in areas including data and technology-enabled surveys. We’re well placed to solve complex and meaningful challenges at scale, with deep tech expertise, a local presence, and increasingly specialised global teams which are structured to operate as autonomous units.

Who We Are

Your Yachting Experience Awaits


Abner is an amalgamation of exquisite minds and researchers, deriving norm breaking expertise in large scale customer satisfaction surveys – NPS & CSAT, and transforming basic reporting into storytelling. After all, stories are 22 times more memorable than charts alone. Our research is compelling, we interpret the findings to provide valuable insights and recommendations to businesses for informed decision-making and to identify market trends and opportunities.

Abner excels at the four most popular types of business analytics – descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive analytics, and constantly aims at advanced set of disciplines and technologies for solving business problems using data analysis, statistical models and other quantitative research techniques.
Abner Insights is at the driving seat, aspiring to become a communication research, data, and training center that links brands, practitioners, policymakers, and the public to contribute to the Middle East society.

Who We Are
Who We Are

Adaptable and Regional Surveys

Tailor-made for your needs, Arabic & English language, logical, and also provides you with real-time response information and charts.

Data Protection

Safety of NDA and data security with SSL, moreover Abner is GDPR-compliant.

Multichannel Data Collection

Surveys through iPads, Kiosks, Emails, Social Media, SMS, Web Embed, Face-to-face.